Sheriff's Message
In January 2017, I took office as Sheriff of Independence County. I made a promise to the citizens to improve the working relationship between all departments of Law Enforcement. I have accomplished that. In 2017 between all Law Enforcement agencies we were able to file over 400 felony cases in circuit court. That is the most in a single year that have been filed in some time.
In 2017 the Independence County Sheriff’s Department changed to a practical working uniform. With this new look we also were able to get donations to change the striping on our units to give them a new look. We were able to restructure the Independence County Sheriff’s Department. We were able to restart our narcotics unit. Our narcotics unit has been involved in several drug investigations, controlled buys, and drug busts. Our Criminal Investigation Unit has been able to solve several crimes and make arrests on them.
The patrol division is made up of 16 deputies that patrol the roads of Independence County. We have four deputies on each shift. We work with a minimum of three at a time on duty.
We have partnered with the Law Enforcement Community Relations Team to provide active shooter training and ladies self defense classes to our citizens. This is a good program and urge anyone interested to find a class and attend it.
In March of 2017, we were able to obtain funding for Narcan and Trauma packs for all deputies. We provided training to all deputies and got the equipment issued. We have been able to save lives with the issuance of the equipment. Deputies have used both the Narcan and supplies that were inside the Trauma packs to save lives.
In October of 2017, the Independence County Sheriff’s Department along with No Limits Therapy partnered with Stephanie Cooper to offer ALERT (Autism Law Enforcement Response Training) for all local law enforcement officers. This training gave us hands on experience on how to handle people with Autism. All officers were given a kit to carry with them to assist in handling people with Autism.
In 2018 we have had some staffing problems at our jail. We have had to stop holding female inmates but we are getting our staffing numbers back up and working on bringing back female inmates.
In 2018 we were able to get new side arms for our deputies. We changed to the Glock 17 gen. 5. With the change to the new guns, we have been able to go from shooting once a year to more firearms training for deputies and shooting a minimum of 4 times a year. We were also able to get donations from local businesses to build more targets to use.
With the hard work and dedication of our staff, we are working very hard to keep all our citizens safe. We strive to provide the best law enforcement available to our residents of Independence County. We will continue to work hard for the citizens of Independence County.
Shawn Stephens

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Press Releases
Surplus Equipment
The Independence County Sheriff’s Office will be selling surplus equipment that is no longer in service. This equipment will be sold on Once the equipment is listed, it will be for auction for two weeks on the website.
Surplus Equipment
The Independence County Sheriff’s Office will be selling surplus equipment that is no longer in service. This equipment will be sold on Once the equipment is listed, it will be for auction for two weeks on the website.
Open Positions
The Independence County Sheriff’s Department is now accepting applications for Certified Deputy and Jail Administrator position(s). An application can be acquired at 1750 Myers Street, Batesville, Arkansas 72501.

Mask Mandate
The Independence County Sheriff’s Department is charged with protecting and serving all people without regard for the person’s race, color,creed, national origin, sexual orientation, ancestry, or disabilities. The coronavirus (COVID-19) issue has caused many debates among people about the best way to handle this threat to our health, safety, and welfare.
Having had the opportunity to carefully review the Governor’s executive order and the opportunity to speak directly to the Governor about the issues, I want to address the citizens of Independence County. As Sheriff, I feel that the citizens and visitors of Independence County know when they should and should not wear a mask and whether they fall within one of the several exemptions of the face covering mandate.
The response of the Independence County Sheriff’s Department for any call for service is always determined based on urgency, severity and the risk to citizens and we will direct our resources to calls based upon those criteria and public safety. All Law Enforcement Agencies in America today struggle with the challenge of sufficient manpower in the face of dramatic increases in violent and non-violent crimes. It’s a must that we prioritize the handling of all calls based on urgency and public safety.
I would like to remind our citizens that our 911 system can quickly get overloaded, so refrain from using 911 to report any non-emergency issues. Please keep in mind that reporting a mask concern does not constitute an emergency.
Independence County will not arrest, detain, or cite citizens for failure to comply with a mask mandate. It will be our practice to utilize verbal warnings to address a violation. A private business maintains its ability to make, or not make, rules in their own establishment, and to ask for the assistance of law enforcement to remove patrons who do not comply with store rules. The Sheriff's Department will respond to complaint calls where a person has been asked by a local business owner to comply with the mask directive or leave the premises, but then refuses to leave. This would constitute a criminal trespass matter that is a separate and distinct violation under the law.
As Sheriff, my personal opinions have no bearing on the decisions that are made in these situations. The Sheriff's Department does not make or pass laws, and we must rely on the courts to interpret the meaning of the language and provisions of the respective constitutions.
Persons having questions or concerns about the health directive, or non-compliance of the Governor's Executive Order, should contact the Arkansas Department of Health at (501) 661-2000.
Sheriff Shawn Stephens
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